Count it all joy.

Uh oh, beloveds, I have my trusty blue screwdriver!🥰

“Count It All joy!”🎤🎶🎧

Be encouraged. Count It ALL joy. Enjoy the day. Am spending a delicious afternoon just enjoying the afternoon. 🥰

I said I was NOT going to write today. My heart couldn’t help spilling out on the page.🥰🎶🤣

Stop worrying about things you can do little to nothing about.

Ah, life.💪❤️‍🩹♥️

Life is good. Even when it’s hard. Stop focusing on the hard and enjoy your day. It’s the only one you have.

Have you worked on your dream today? If not, get outta here and get to working on your dream. If so, stop for a spell and have a cup of ☕ coffee and a 🎶 sing with me.🎤

counting ALL as joy,



Note: We got this.

One step.

One step.

One step.

You are loved.

You are NOT alone.

Keep on being…YOU!

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