A funny.

Hoping to start your week off with a laugh. Be sure and get your laugh quota in, this week. Do NOT allow happenings to happen to you. Keep your head up. We got this, beloveds. Remember? There is NOTHING we can’t get through. We just go to get to getting through it.

This time of year can be brutal for those who have lost loved ones, for those who don’t have loved ones, for those….fresh hell, they can be brutal for all. EVERY commercial appears to show folks excelling in love, life, business etc and can make us look at our lot and wonder, what in the fresh hell is this??…lol.

It’s not how we start, it’s that we finish. It’s not even, necessarily, how we finish. If you have to get to the finish line, on your hands and knees, get there. If you arrive, with extra energy, get there. If you arrive, with not one ounce of strength, get there. Start. Keep going. Get there.

In the meantime, beloveds, have a laugh, reach out to someone, be good to someone, starting with you. Especially to you.




laughing with you,



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