Focus on something else.

It’s amazing what will happen if you put your focus on something other than your perceived problems.

I decided to spend some time encouraging others and time just wiped away my problems. I forgot I had any. All I could think of was what I could do to make someone smile.

Not a whole lot is funny. Life is just so hard for so many. I scarcely know where to start let alone what to pray.

I decided to just care. In my own small limited way. Hopefully, I can make someone forget their hard if just for a moment.

Look around, beloveds. Look out. Look up.

Focus on something else.

What/who can you be focused on right now?

How about me?🤣🥰😍

focused on you,



Note: How great are we?!

One step.

One step.

One step.

You are loved.

You are NOT alone.

Keep on being…YOU!

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