Keep moving forward.

Keep moving forward.

It’s okay to be frustrated. Be sure not to stay in that frustrated space.

I had to tell myself to stop pouting and get back into living.

I did not feel like writing today. Which is exactly why I am writing today.

I did not feel like getting out of bed and making something to eat. I got out of bed and made something to eat.

I have been angry with God all weekend. I have been angry with life all weekend. I have just been angry with bad news period.

I’m tired of being angry. I grab some joy out of my feel bag. I made a cup of coffee and hung out with mom. I blessed somebody else’s youtube channel.

Life is short. I’m glad I got out of bed today. I told myself I was gonna pout and be angry all weekend. Life is much too short for that.

Be encouraged,  beloveds.  You are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.

Oftentimes, we are where we are for the needs of others. You may still be at that job because you are there to help someone or someone’s else.

I am fighting with being content in my NOW. Yes, I am praying for my future. But, I am doing my level best to be okay IN my now.

Hey, Maggie, whatcha doin?…😂

So, now that I have kicked lazy and sad to the curb I am going to get about the rest of my day.

Please, please, please look up and see that you are exactly where you need to be.

You got this. You CAN. You WILL. Keep thinking on all the good things you have in your life. Be encouraged.

encouraged with you,



Note: ☕️ Have a cup of coffee with me. What all can we get into today? Asking for a friend.

One step.

One step.

One step.

You are loved.

You are NOT alone.

Keep on being…YOU!

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