When you make a commitment to you, your heart will honor it.

This morning, I found myself automatically getting up, getting going, and acting out the schedule I commited to. Felt good. No argument. No debate. I found myself puttering around, making coffee, boiling eggs, getting my bible study in, listening to my tunes, posting a bit, humming terribly to myself. A habit formed, almost overnight. Awesome!

Our heart just needs for us to make a decision, make a commitment, a TRUE commitment, so it can help us go there, get there and BE whilst there.

When I stopped, trying to figure out how, and to just TRY, the world just opened it’s arms, and has welcomed me. No, I have absolutely NO clue what I am doing. Yet, I have never been more free, to try, to be, to do. The outcome no longer matters, to me. For me, now, it’s all about the TRY.




Make a commitment, to YOU. Life is short. Yet, it’s long enough to make a difference.

Make a difference, beloveds, beginning, FIRST, with, for and to YOU.

with you,


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